Saturday, October 10, 2020

👉The Fed to Expand its Balance Sheet to more than $10 Trillion, As The Economy, The Markets, and The Americans become Addicted to Stimulus

👉The Fed to Expand its Balance Sheet to more than $10 Trillion, As The Economy, The Markets, and The Americans become Addicted to Stimulus The Fed to Expand its Balance Sheet to more than $10 Trillion, As The Economy, The Markets, and The Americans become Addicted to Stimulus. What a gigantic everything bubble freak of nature we have created. It is going to be a massacre soon in everything. Then the suffering and death come for many. Dark times are coming; I can see the blackest of clouds moving in on the horizon. A vertical stock market in a depression where 800,000+ people file jobless claims every WEEK for seven months straight. Our dystopian overlords have deemed it necessary to create an insulting illusion with a cartoonishly fake stock market that is priced as if there was heaven on Earth. The Fed unveils plan to expand its balance sheet but still insists it’s Not QE. "We’re going to go in strong,” declared Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. The Federal Reserve said Friday that it would begin buying government-backed securities to expand its balance sheet, a move meant to keep an obscure but critical corner of financial markets functioning smoothly. The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet is exploding, growing by about $3 trillion since mid-March and now totaling more than $7 trillion. It could conceivably exceed $10 trillion by yearend, as the central bank buys corporate bonds, municipal securities and makes loans to medium-sized businesses while purchasing $80 billion of Treasuries and $40 billion of agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) each month. This would be more than double the peak that the Fed's balance sheet reached after the 2008-09 financial crisis. By stimulus, all they mean is a couple trillion for the fat cats whose portfolios are already up 35% since the pandemic. Maybe a couple billion to be spread out to the peasants. We thought 2009 was the biggest rip off in history. This farce is ten times bigger, and the poor get poorer. For Bankers on Wall Street, Politicians, and government employees, it was not bad. For your hard-working Americans in the private sector, it was disastrous. For example, Yelp reports that at least 55% of the restaurant listed on Yelp will not re-open....ever. That's nationwide. In some areas like New York City, it's much higher. So while the Fat Wall Street CEOs and execs got Fat Fed's handouts, many others have gone bankrupt. I won't even get into the human suffering that occurred because people could not get to their doctor or dentist, etc. So what’s the bottom line of the Fed’s rapid balance sheet expansion? A massive redistribution of wealth to the 1% from the 80%. Welfare for the Wealthy. Preserving Privately held Profits absent any assumed risk while Socializing all losses and denying a safety net to those most severely impacted because you can’t keep the poor and working-class people poor.If you actually gave them money ... and basic moral and economic and tenets of conservatism and deregulated. The balance sheet is going way, way past 10 Trillion. And we can pray for inflation, but our prayers won't be answered. But this shouldn't surprise us. The financial sector's very survival depends on a deep commitment to the illusion of a recovery. How can we get a recovery in the teeth of a raging pandemic and massive unemployment! Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to click the like button. Many of you have asked me where they can buy silver and gold bullion.You will find in the description box links where you can buy American Silver Eagle 0.999 Fine Silver; Or Fine Silver Bars or Rounds. I highly recommend that you start stacking some Silver Bullion for the future. All of this is crazy. They keep creating problems and then come to the rescue to fix the problem—only to create a bigger problem down the road. It all sounds so simple and wonderful. How come Japan wasn’t able to pull it off? There is already inflationin the markets. What would you call Amazon at 118 times earnings and 1.5 Trillion market cap! Microsoft at 32 times earnings! Apple, not that long ago, had a PE of 12. Now 29! I call that inflation. And what happens to yields and corporate income statements when the Fed funds rate starts rising? Right. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Sitting on yield is going to leave them with the choice of inflation or a wave of bankruptcies. And what about inflation from the declining confidence in the US dollar, brought about by virtually unlimited spending? Dollar falls, import prices rise. What about inflation from the possible increase in the velocity of money as asset prices rise, and helicopter checks arrive in bank accounts? We saw this movie post-2008 crisis. Even with a meager 2.5%, the stock market and President were having fits and cuts followed. Fed used the 2008 crisis (which was due to its own making) to expand its powers and balance sheet. Even with a supposedly strong economy and lowest unemployment, it could not reduce its balance sheet meaningfully. People who have a large amount of cash they don't keep it at home. Actually, they don't keep it as cash, mostly assets. That is where Fed's (unelected and partly owned by big banks) loyalty resided. Keep propping up asset prices no matter what is the effect on the general public. But mind you, Robinhooders have understood that, and they are having fun. Fed's hunger for more power or a larger balance sheet and that too with more market interfering tools will not stop till the US has become like Soviet Union (controlled by Oligarchs) or blown its credibility completely. Both are unfortunate outcomes. Make no mistake; this criminal Ponzi scheme will crash and burn back to reality. It always does. This time it will be incredibly ugly. Everyone invested will be asking themselves daily, "my god, is this real life?" A dying circus. Both sad and funny at the same time. Definitely a tragic comedy. The prospects for Christmas are very bleak, after which you will see many stores close for good and jobs lost. Main Street is on its way to the Emergency Room in cardiac arrest! Most people’s wages have stagnated for decades, where you could even say they’re making less than they did years ago. We are seeing massive civil unrest due to such injustices. The playing field is far from level. It’s a well-known fact that a lot of folks in powerful positions got there because of who they know or who they’re related to. Nepotism and cronyism have been around since the dawn of time, but the old guard is being replaced by the ruthless new guys. We should let the banks handle their own problems;too many zombie companies being run in WallStreet by them. 23% of S&P companies have zero profits. Handing them the stimulus is just suicide. Never Give a drunk a drink. A small bubble is better than a big bubble. Now the point of no return is here. It's 2008 all over again—only much worse. Expect the markets to move 2-4% when the stimulus deal is passed. The stock market makes no accounting for the number of unemployed people, the number of dead, those still waiting on stimulus. Those people are simply not considered part of the economy anymore. The money always just follows the law of marginal utility-- where more money can be made. It breaks all else under its wheel-- including human rights and humane treatment. We can't spend our way out of this pandemic. No matter how much money they shower people with, a massive chunk of consumers does not have big parties, taking trips, going to concerts, etc. etc. until this virus is a thing of the past. Any extra, they are squirreling away. Layoffs are just ramping up; they usually hit a fever pitch before the end of the year, which is nail #2 in the economic coffin. Nail #3 will be inevitable inflation that the fed says is OK to go over 2%. The only way out is negative interest rates. Donnie says he loves the idea, so we'll see, the Fed doesn't have much other ammo left. The money printing, as we all know for these benefits, was huge. We didn't gross domestic product; we printed it. The Mises Institute recently reported a 37.56% increase in the money supply, an extraordinary jump historically. Therefore for gold which if you believe the $1650 price in Feb (before the big print) was fair, then gold deserves $1650 x 1.3756 = $2270 an ounce . Our Challenge is, We are trying to save Capitalism. When the markets de-coupled from the Economy in 2008, they became a ship without a port. There are a number of overvalued Assets. But, the FED can't allow them to fail because it would negatively impact our GDP, which would then increase our "Debt to GDP Ratio." This could cause international investors to become hesitant about buying our "Bonds." This is a very intense situation known only to a few. China is silent for a reason. And the American public is dumbed down so much they can't balance a checkbook. And it doesn't matter. The checking account is in the red. Never have I understood why the Airlines need their own Payroll Support Program.!! Think they are entitled to unemployment compensation with its ill-advised and additional oversized funds just like everyone else. The intent seems to be to allow management and employees to have the same paycheck as before the pandemic. Traffic off 70% -- Full pay with nothing to do for so many. Just so wrong. Let's not forget the $ 49 billion squandered on share buybacks. Certainly, better use of the funds today. All for a helping hand but not a guarantee for lifestyle as before, Its a time of sacrifice and hunkering down. Twenty-five billion to help the rental situation would do more good than sending it to the airlines. Too bad Mom and pop landlords don't have as strong a lobby group as the airlines. A lot of landlords can't pay their mortgages because they themselves are leveraged to the hilt in debt. They need to rent money to pay for their properties. Operating a rental property is just like operating any other business. You have income, and you have expenses. Without income, there is not gonna be any cash flow. However, people are more sympathetic when it comes to other businesses (i.e., restaurants, barbershops). Nobody expects restaurant owners to offer free food or bars to give out free drinks. Why do people expect landlords to offer rental units for free? Landlords are small business owners too! QE is not capitalism at all. It is socialism in action. This is what socialism does over and over and over. Those in power redistribute capital. It is a socialist "planned economy" forced upon us and not free-market capitalism. Capitalism and central banking have nothing to do with each other. This is what happens when you confiscate gold from the people, then renege on your promise to pay gold to foreign countries, then use the paper gold market to try to suppress the price of gold by flooding the market with short futures contracts. The Ponzi scheme collapses. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels; I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Monday, June 15, 2020

The Coming Pension Crisis will make the Pandemic look like a Party !!

The Coming Pension Crisis will make the Pandemic look like a Party !!

The US pension plans warned they would run out of money by 2028. At the moment, a number of US public pension plans have barely recovered - if at all from the 2008 financial crisis - now to be hit with the continuing economic fallout from the corona-crisis and domino effect of historic unemployment. An alarming report in the Financial Times warns that seven major public pension plans are due to depleting their assets by 2028. The retirement crisis will make the pandemic look like a party. So many, for whatever reason, have no savings at all. They will vote to be helped. The Medicare trust fund will run dry as early as 2023. Payroll taxes and premiums will go up, while benefits will go down, or some combination of that. Social Security will use up the trust fund by 2034. The national debt is projected to be 50 trillion by 2030. We'll have to print more money, meaning inflation. No politician has even pretended to address these hot potatoes. I'm not saying it will all play out this way, but it is undeniable we will have many, many, many millions of seniors that will not be able to provide for themselves. Almost a third of Americans say they may never retire because of coronavirus hardships. This country is in for a bigger crisis, with so many Americans having zero savings and getting older. The Social Security issue MUST be dealt with NOW too. It's due to run dry soon. The Covid-19 pandemic has crippled economies all around the world. From healthcare disasters to black swan financial events, it has been quite some time since the future has seemed so bleak. The politicization of the virus is the problem. And all meant to destroy the economy. According to a story originally published by CNBC, this widespread financial strife has caused more than one in four Americans to raid their retirement savings. "40% of Americans Have Less than $1k" and "75% of Boomers Have Less than $10K for Retirement" and "Boomers STILL Carry More Debt than Investment and Savings. Only about 10% of the working population has ANY savings to speak of. This is the only generation less prepared for retirement than they were even two years ago. A 2018 study by Northwestern Mutual reported about 1/3 of people nearing retirement had less than $5,000 saved for retirement. As a society, we are not generally well prepared for old age or retirement. Yes, some people grew up with smart money parents, others did not, so we had to learn on our own. Teaching money management and financial investing, a good budget, etc. is absolutely necessary. These are survival skills that an educated society should provide their citizens....don't leave it up to chance or we will pay the consequence. ALL Americans will retire. It just depends if it fits on your terms or not. At a certain point, after being let go and unable to find another job, you are retired. If you're self-employed, you can work as you want. Some folks go till they drop. If the pandemic accelerates, "retirement " will come with an oblong box or cremation. You may plan to never retire, but believe me, you will for one reason or another. Start saving money, cut the cable bill, the telephone bill, the vacations. Don't buy an expensive car. Believe me, you will retire someday due to health issues or just because your employer wants a worker who is younger, healthier, and will accept less money than you. A lot of people will likely be forced to retire. A lot of jobs will not come back, and when they do, you can bet older workers will be the last hired. Corporate America has no need for you past age 60. Many of the 55 - 60 years old are being forced into retirement early because of the virus. They have been laid off with no chance of being rehired. They don't show up on the unemployment numbers, but they are here. The unemployment figures are false and much worse than indicated. By 50 years old, you should be prepared for retirement. I can't believe how many people think they can start saving for retirement "later." "Later" is promised to no one, stupid not to start immediately. Besides, wealth is a function of time and money, more time, less money, less time, much more money (contributions). Time marches relentlessly on, it can either be your friend or your worst enemy. I know many folks 50 and up that were laid off during the great recession, never to have found a decent paying job again, and the same is going to happen again now. Then you've got a significant chance of becoming disabled due to illness or injury. Maybe your body just gives out you can no longer do your physical job any longer. If you've waited, it's too late now. If you want to talk presumptuous, it's assuming you can save "later." THE PROBLEM IS NOT THE VIRUS BUT MONEY MANAGEMENT. IF ONE IS NOT TAUGHT AS A CHILD TO RESPECT MONEY, THEY WILL BE AND STAY POOR. If one event can ruin your retirement, then you didn't plan very well to begin with. The simple truth is 45 years is either a lot of years of good decision making or a lot of years of poor decision making. There's going to be a huge spread between the 65+ haves and have nots. It seems each new generation becomes lazier than the previous one. They want more entitlements, but they're less productive. The newest working people, those just graduating from college, got a good lesson of what living paycheck-to-paycheck will do. Hopefully, they will understand not having a subscription or two, having the newest smartphone to order your coffee and leasing the BMW isn't so important if you have zero savings of some kind. If you are working and unable to save at the very least 10% of your pay, then you are spending too much. Or you're not making enough. Saving is not a hard concept. Savings takes self-discipline. The key was (still is) don't spend a lot of money on depreciating assets like cars and clothes. You gotta live within your means and save for the rough times. People were crying the second week out of work with no paycheck. These people are obviously doing something wrong! If 2-3 months laid off, and possibly making more in unemployment/stimulus money has ruined your retirement, you were already a financial wreck before coronavirus. Simple rules: 1) Live below your means - not just within your means. 2) Purchase items used if possible, such as a car. I only purchase used cars and keep them for 5-7 years. I do purchase new cell phones, but I keep those around three years on average. 3) Have at least three months of emergency funds. More is better, but three should be the minimum. 4) Invest early and often. 5) As you get older - and closer to retirement - slowly switch a percentage (40-60% depending upon your specific circumstances) to more secure investments. 6) Take on as little debt as possible. I do not know what my credit card rates are as I always treat them like cash and pay them in full each month. I only take on debt if it makes sense financially. Regardless of your income, it is possible to prepare for emergencies and invest in retirement. It simply requires discipline to do so. Should have had some emergency savings in place to sustain you for a few months WHEN the economy goes south. If you're holding a nice smartphone, drive a nice car, and live in a house you couldn't afford, then you only have yourself to blame for having to work until you drop dead. Live within your means, plan for the future, and don't count on somebody else to come along and support you, because they (probably) won't. If you are having trouble making ends meet, here are a few tips. -Cancel unnecessary subscriptions, cable TV, Netflix, prime, etc... -Shop around to save on monthly services like insurance, phone, internet, etc... -Buy second-hand items whenever possible: cars, furniture, clothing, cell phones, etc... -Buy the lowest-cost, smallest house that meets your needs (not your wants). -Cut out unnecessary spending on restaurants, coffee shops, etc. Make your own meals, do the brown-bag lunch thing -Don't spend a lot on gifts. Make your gifts. It's lower-cost and more meaningful. -Don't do stupid stuff. -Shop around for a better paying job. Compare total compensation, including wage/salary, 401k contribution, HSA, health insurance. don't include BS benefits like pet insurance, free massages, or other things you don't need. -Don't buy pet insurance or spend a lot at the vet. What this virus has exposed is the lack of an emergency savings account and basic financial planning. And stagnant wage growth for the last decade has not played a role! When a person has no cushion, Covid-19 doesn't make much of a difference. Boomers do have one advantage, though. Our parents grew up during the Great Depression, so the idea of savings was drummed into us during our childhood. It doesn't mean every boomer learned, but many did. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The pandemic did not create the "retirement crisis," it has been there all along. And the Federal Reserve Bank is not helping millions of retirees being made complete fools of with money in banks and credit unions at around .01 percent interest. They are being robbed by the Fed to pump up Wall Street speculation into the latest balloon. This is not going to end well. If the "Fed" stumbles and falls, which I think that it will, the wealthy will just run away from the Hindenburg Finance Disaster and just create another scheme, probably "digital" this time. Hardly anyone "saves" what the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank can just create more on in minutes on computers or taking a while longer, printing up debt "notes." Most of us, myself included, will get badly hurt if this grand scheme of paper and computer digits crashes someday. The money given away by the government this year will reduce the value of your retirement savings by 20%; REAL inflation is that huge. The weak financial condition of seven US public pension plans threatens to deplete their assets by 2028, leading to severe risks for the living standards of thousands of American employees and retired workers. Many US public pension plans had not fully recovered from the 2007/08 financial crisis. As many companies work to regain their financial footing in the midst of continuing economic uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic, a retiring worker’s decision to take either a lump sum or lifetime payments from their pension could boil down to one factor. Whether they think the employer will be able to meet its long-term commitments. There are over 5 trillion dollars in 401k's, and you can bet the government is absolutely salivating over the possibility of taxing it or even confiscating it "for the greater good. Using 401k law to fund retirement has always been perilous. While the current stock market drop is understandable, many market swings seem baseless, and the result of both can and do ruin retirement plans with no fault of the retiree. There should be a law that companies must contribute to a funded retirement plan run by the Federal Government. In most developed countries, something along this line is done, and since all those countries and companies within those countries figure out a way to be competitive, we should be able to figure it out also. Last, the law must include a provision that the Government cannot use the funds for any reason other than to disperse retirement money. People have spent 40-50 years applying themselves. At what point do they deserve to start living? They gave their best years to this country, and in return, it spat in their lap. The elderly should be taken better care of in this country. They spent their entire lives working for corporate America. It's time for Corporate America to pay them the thanks that they deserved. That pitiful living wage during their best years is not enough. A lot of working people don't realize how much of a burden debt is as it's become a way of life. Maybe this pandemic will make us realize that just because we want something, it doesn't mean we have to get it. Freedom from financial stress is what we should aim for. Let's be clear. Not only were Americans not financially prepared for a pandemic, but Corporate America wasn't either. How many businesses, both big and small, are shuttering their doors. Businesses couldn't afford to keep paying employees, rents, etc. any more than the average American could keep paying for their basic expenses either. I hope the finger-pointing and BAD CREDIT judgments get reined in. Being a consumer-oriented society, we have been pushed to the limits to spend. A capitalist nation depends on the consumer to spend and spend more. However, recently, due to the ongoing lack of confidence in our economy, many people have turned to save instead of buying for buying's sake. This has sounded alarms in corporate boardrooms. Their goal is to get spending back on track. Larry Kudlow mentioned that the retail sales numbers would be great for May. But, he failed to include that much of that spending was done with stimulus checks. He also didn't state that credit card spending was also up. People are resorting to Credit Cards instead of cash savings. What happened when the stimulus ends and credit cards get maxed out? The pandemic brought an important lesson home to everyone. It has taught us that anything can and will happen and not always good. You plan a budget, then try to stick to it, set aside some money for emergencies, and prepare for the future. Generation X's have a long time to retirement, so they have time to recover from the downturn in the employment market. It will be slow at first. I think we'll be told one day to thank God our president is saving the economy by issuing new, strong money. We'll be told our non-patriotic old money will not be good after a certain date or after a bank holiday. At that point, if it happens, spend ALL your old money on food. After that, I can't tell you. Good luck! Save money. Money talks during a disaster, including finances. Most people put way too much faith in the stock market. Quick gains also open you to quick losses. Buy gold, Silver. Stay away from this market for now. Just wait for the burning smell of speculators to get a sniff of what is heading our way. Markets are way overvalued and will see a massive fall. There is no justification for stock prices when the entire nation is still suffering from this Virus. It is not going away because Trump says so. We haven't seen anything yet until the fall, which is only 16 weeks away. This virus will haunt us again worse in the fall. The FED response has been almost criminal yet continues to persist. I think we may finally be at the breaking point of this fiscal policy since too many people are using it to speculate on values going up no matter what based on FED support, which has created an enormous bubble that can only be addressed by either reducing support, or a massive collapse. A 2nd wave is guaranteed here in the states. The second wave of virus + Riots = stock market's doom. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

👉Sovereign Debt, Matters : We are in a Fat Ugly Monster Bubble !!

👉Sovereign Debt, Matters : We are in a Fat Ugly Monster Bubble !!

Total U.S. debt reaches $55.9 trillion amid significant increases in corporate and government borrowing. Total domestic nonfinancial debt jumped by 11.7% to $55.9 trillion, the Fed said in its quarterly statement on domestic financial accounts. The debt had increased by 3.2% in Q4 of 2019. The biggest debt gain comes on the business side, rising 18.8%, while federal government debt also jumped 14.3%. Total federal debt recently passed $26 trillion. We have raised 96% of that debt ($24.5 TRILLION debt) since 1981 or less than 39 years ago. It took the US over two centuries to accumulate its first trillion dollars in federal debt, a number which was surpassed for the first time in the fourth quarter of 1981. What is stunning, however, is the recent pace of increase: total debt was "only" $23.5 trillion on March 23, the day the Fed unleashed unlimited QE, meaning that in two and a half months, the US has added $2.5 trillion in debt. And the punchline: the US added the last trillion dollars in the shortest time on record, achieving this remarkable feat in just one month, since May 4, when the total debt was just under $25 trillion. We added an extra trillion in just last month. That means the debt will double by 2022. Imagine if the average middle-class American planned on doubling his debt by 2022. What could be bought with money totally another mortgage balance, student loan balance, car loan balance, and credit card balance. We're talking $500,000 or more plus salary, to spend in just two years! The COVID effects are starting to snowball down a hill. Wait until the forbearance period runs out, and housing gets sucked in. The roller coaster is just getting started. Fiat bugs and mutants who say debt doesn't matter are going to find out the hard way that debt does indeed matter. The new slogan, sovereign debt, matters! We are 26 Trillion dollars in debt. The government has agreed on a stimulus of 5.5 Trillion dollars and another 3 Trillion dollars next (8.5 Trillion dollars so far). This basically means that our national debt is going to be in 30 Trillion dollars range. Household debt rose 3.9% due in large part to an increase on the mortgage side of 3.2%. Consumer debt rose 1.6%. Only Private-Citizens with Student Loans get NO BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION. I give it a couple of months when the credit cards of the people who are already maxed out stop working, and there's no new income to pay off the minimum. Meanwhile, food will be more expensive, and EBT benefits will not rise in tandem. From 2016-2020 we have tripled our budget deficit and increased our national debt by 20%. Future generations are going to have to pay for this. It's very clear that EVERY President keeps adding a few Trillion dollars, and more specifically, Trump and CoronaVirus are adding a lot of Trillions of dollars to our national debt. This debt is like an ever-heavier weight spread across a population that isn't growing, and eventually, the policies of avoidance will crush whatever is under it. There is NO WAY we will pay off the national debt. We will simply pay the interest until we can no longer even afford that; then it's a complete collapse. The big cities will go first and hard. Supply chain disruptions will be massive, and the cost of living is off the charts, so people will get behind the eight balls almost immediately when the people who are living above their means suddenly lose their income. Then come the street gangs. There is a reason Trump is activating National Guard on the east and west coasts, and it's not because they are fighting the virus. The Collapse is inevitable. No politician has the guts or brains to save the current system. The time to protect whatever wealth you have is now, as stagflation and eventually, hyperinflation will wipeout whatever value is left of the U.S. dollar. It will never get fixed until the system collapses. Talking tax increases and benefit cuts does not win you votes. Trump wants to be re-elected if that means financial collapse and the middle class destroyed, so be it. Maga! He said he was the King of Debt, and he ain't lying. Winning! Which is why there is exactly NO alternative to saving in gold. "Investment" is dead anyway. Return on Investment has been reduced to zero under a flood of printed paper credit. Bank accounts are certificates of confiscation. There's zero yields anywhere unless you are prepared to accept the enormous risk, and real-terms, organic "economic growth" has been gone for years, never mind what the useless "GDP" data releases blurb out. Just put the debt into the stock market like the rest of us. No risk and unlimited money! We're ALL gamblers now, bettors because that's all that is left. The Weimar Republic will look like paradise compared to what's coming. Extraordinary to me how the average Joe really has no clue about the epic seriousness of all this. Printing still requires supplies and labor; computer digits don't. And that, my friends, is significant. Fun Fact: By mid 1923, Germany's central banks were using more than 30 paper factories, almost 1,800 printing presses, and 133 companies to print banknotes. And don't forget about the $250 trillion in unfunded liabilities boys and girls. That is debt, no matter how you slice and dice it. America is $250T in the hole, but everything's going to be alright, folks, not a problem. That includes the unfunded promises for Medicare and social security. It’s unfunded even though our employers and we sent the money in - because corrupt congress stole it. So they will have to borrow to make the payouts - which seems like we paid twice. Now we see why smaller government is better government; They stole more than our social security payments. They undermined our life's work into nothing and made us pay for the weapons they will use to shut us up. The US economy to debt ration is equal to that of Greece’s ten years ago, and that is using a US pre-Corona economy. The next six months will be interesting. The rate of U.S. Debt growth has gone parabolic! There is no turning back from this insanity. The only out is through a smoking pit of disaster, crawling out the other side to start over. The federal government has a huge balance sheet. Oil and gas leases totaling more than $150T for starters. It must be nice to leave your fiscal mess to someone else. Politicians only know how to spend. The nation is bankrupt. Sooner or later, we will have to declare bankruptcy; or borrow from an unknown source to pay the debts. Then whoever we borrow from will pretty much own the US. If the government continues to print money, then money, in general, will start to be worthless. All the people who worked hard and saved and lived within their means will see that money’s value decrease because of over-saturation. I cannot honestly believe some people don’t understand that if you receive money for doing nothing, then it needs to be repaid. It was not enough to hold the markets up. They needed Unlimited QE, i.e., another 2 trillion dollar injection now. What they got is a slow drip, while Jerome sounded like he was the candyman to equities. He did say markets should price in risk, meaning no PPT saves and let the markets fall until they find a now Limited QE medium. Robinhood traders will get slaughtered, and the Fed looks good. That was just to bail out the 1% who own stocks and bonds. It is going to cost a bit more to keep the other 99% from burning the country to the ground. Until the GOP Manifesto for "Tycoon-Tax-Freedom" is firmly dealt with, and "Fair Share Responsible Taxation is restored and a Wealth Tax on the 1% Oligarchy who have accumulated 50% eliminate "Greed-Breed" entitlements. We can start by closing the tax loopholes for huge corporations and remove the roll-back of the taxes they paid. Thirty-five percent may have been a bit much. However, thirty percent would still afford the big corporations to make profits and produce millionaire/billionaire CEOs. Twenty-one percent is obscene. Must close the loopholes. Everyone should expect taxes to increase, both federal, state, county, city, and of course, when there is a budget deficit, the first thing to go are social programs and education. This is how wealth transfers happen in the US. The Fed bails out airlines, Hedge fund companies, banks, etc. etc. i.e., their buddies mega corporations without needing to pay it back. The fed makes money off the interest for hitting some keys on a computer creating fake currency, and the hard-working Americans via taxes pay it back. So we pay for extremely wealthy people to get even more wealthy. Meanwhile, small businesses only hope they can qualify for a loan (most won't get one), and they have to pay it back with interest. The FED exists to support greed and irresponsibility, simple as that. The US, Japan & Euro zones all need to man up and accept the mistakes they've made. Put greed aside, and let markets/economies clean themselves out. Stop this money printing bailout mentality and return to free-market roots. Otherwise, this thing will just keep going on, and reward for effort will be a thing of the past. Stop rewarding stupid & corrupt behavior! Stop corporate welfare end wall st, and the stock market that way companies have nothing to do with their money except investing in their workers and their companies, not their stock prices. Start collecting taxes from them. American business mentality is to borrow egregiously and make very risky bets. Then when everything goes wrong, deflect the negatives of the risk by having the Fed bail you out or game the system. How much longer can moral hazard be ignored, rewarding these inefficient and dangerous business practices instead of punishing the ever wealthier executors? Americans like living on debt, but the party is over. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The market bubble doesn't turn my stomach as much as the debt bubble. Unless you've bought recently on margin, a correction might sting, but it won't bankrupt you. Debt, however, needs its payments made. And if you've got one low payment too many, it gets ugly fast. Add a few trillion here to the debt and add a few trillion there to the debt and pretty soon, still, nobody gives a damn, because everybody knows that in order to keep the shithouse's walls from imploding, there will have to be another few trillion added here and another few trillions added there. That is called Ouroboros economics. Until now, it has been a discussion about billions. Now we shall hear a discussion about trillions. Three zeros difference. Zero is nothing until you keep adding them to the end of a number. And with the dollar devaluation coming, it will be quadrillions. Forget trillions. This is the Buzz Lightyear economics: To infinity and beyond. Well, at least we are in good hands. Our current president is the best president in American handling bankruptcies. He has a lot of experience, and that's what we need right now, one with experience. And now I understand what he was saying when he said, "I am the chosen one." Who else would be able to handle this pending, greatest bankruptcy in the history of mankind? After all, he's gone through 6 bankruptcies already. And America will become his 7th. The USA is a Republic run by Big corporations. Therefore, it is actually an Oligarchy. Elections will not stop this as it gets worse every time. The top 0.1 % of the Super Rich have decided who wins through gerrymandering and by keeping this antiquated Electoral College system, both favoring the top 1% of the population. Compared to the EU countries, the USA hard-working citizens do not have any universal health care system, no six weeks/ year paid vacation, no 38 hours of work, no nothing European citizens have. Why is that? Well, the taxation system is much fairer, military expenses are far lower, so Eu can afford to make laws favoring the interest of their voters. In the EU, the politicians are afraid of the voters; in the USA, they are afraid of Big Corporate America! There is no money in the banks. Your bank accounts reflect a measured value of somebody else’s unbridled power. We are allotted credits by the secret elite that allow us to live falsely believing they have not enslaved us. Capitalism is simply what communism sees in the mirror. Nothing is going to happen to fix our deficit because both parties (and people) are addicted to debt and never-ending GDP growth. There is no way out this other than inflation. It is not possible politically to cut benefits and raise taxes sufficiently to make any meaningful headway on the national debt. It is just too big, and the political and social forces against deep cuts and big tax increases are too entrenched. Fix the problem by cutting politicians' entitlements, politicians' luxury spending, and stop giving tax breaks to wealthy, who need to pay taxes on all income. Stop stimulus pay to big companies and to those who make over $90,000 a year and to noncitizens with green cards. Cut multiple living expenses to presidents with multiple security to adult family members. Now, that is a good bog start to boost our economy. Cut Federal salaries by 50 %. Cut Federal benefits by 80 %. Cut Federal Holidays by at least five days. Cut Federal pensions by at least 50 %. Cut congress pensions by 100 %. They do not deserve a pension for two years of doing nothing. Cut congress medical to the same the retired people get. Watch the budget balance in a hurry. - The Fed counterfeits dollars by the trillions, destroying their purchasing power and driving up prices. - Funds endless wars and welfare. - Creates massive and artificial economic booms, that must be followed by painful busts. - Bails out the politically-connected, creating an economy riddled with zombie corporations. Central planning is (as always) a disaster! The FED will bail till it cant bail anymore, complete economic warfare followed by the destruction of society. Post-Coronavirus, the situation will be two times or five times or ten times worse. Global depression is imminent and will continue for an indefinite period as depopulation, deleveraging, and decline are the natural state of things. Cast off the lifeboats...the Titanic is going down, and we'll be in small boats on very rough seas from here on. This was going to happen. Eventually, Coronavirus has just accelerated the timeline." 3 D's. Depression. Depopulation. De-dollarization. It's the New World Order. Serfdom. Destroy middle class, small business, pensions (public and private), 4o1 ks. Doctors can't even perform surgeries right now unless they are emergency surgeries. Virtually every business is suffering. When the formerly comfortable middle class loses everything, the government will come in to "save us," with public benefits and police state. No honor among thieves. The greed pandemic is upon us. The real looters are living in wall street, and they're looting our money by the trillions. I personally hold the Globalists and their Federal Reserve accountable for this Global Depression scenario. They are responsible for inflating the currency and all bubbles, enabling criminal behavior, and destroying the economy in the process. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Saturday, May 30, 2020

👉America in Chaos , Societal and Economic Meltdown.

👉America in Chaos , Societal and Economic Meltdown.

2020 has been quite the experience so far. Can you imagine where we’ll be in another six months? Everything that could go wrong went wrong. As if the coronavirus and the worst unemployment numbers in history were not enough. Outrage spills across America, The nation's largest cities are exploding with rage. As angry protesters take to the streets and attack police and destroy property. America today is in chaos, with Mass protests, looting, arson attacks, looting, vandalism, and violence spreading from coast to coast. Amidst what is one of the worst health and economic crises ever. This is not going to have a happy ending. Economic turmoil, Mass unemployment, Civil unrest, Corrupt, uncaring Government, manipulation of the food chains, and add a pandemic in. This is the perfect storm. We all getting played to turn against one another, wonder who that is. Add into the equation; food shortage, natural disaster, solar minimum, heatwave, locusts attacks. There will be a lot more rioting, looting, and civil unrest as The U.S. economy continues to collapse. What we have seen in the city of Minneapolis is only the start. Social unrest and protests are unfolding across all major US cities. Our country is so profoundly divided. These are not peaceful protests; This is chaos. This is part of the agenda to justify the implementation of military martial law. This has been the plan from the get-go. Everything Going According to Plan. This is what happens once people realize that looting is systemic and starts at the very top. People are Fed up, and this country has lost any economic integrity or a sense of purpose. Those who make a peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. America is coming apart, as we have riots, much like what we saw happening in Hong Kong. The White House is now suggesting the military may be sent in. Trump tweeted: ‘When the looting starts, the shooting starts’: quoting Miami police chief’s notorious 1967 warning. Trump and Pompeo called Hong Kong rioters "freedom fighter." While American protesters are called thugs. Smack of fullest hypocrisy and hegemony nature of the US unassumingly as a policeman in other countries' internal affairs. What the CIA did in Hong Kong, is coming around to haunt us at home. This is called Karma. After years of fomenting revolts and rebellions in other countries with zero regards for the people who live there, time for the US to have a taste of their own medicine. Why is America sending troops to quell their own rioters immediately after a day of protests and is making a huge fuss to prevent China from sending in their own troops for Hong Kong protests? Definitely double standards here. In the USA: Protests for a few days, sent in the military to shoot. In Hong Kong: Protests for one year, the police must act with restraining; otherwise, sanctions will be imposed on China. Bringing in the military to the streets of America will only get a lot more people killed. Problem reaction solution. The people will cheer for their troops marching in. Order out of chaos. The aim is to establish an overt police state and surveillance system that is used to oppress the masses and keep control of the country in the hands of the current owners and rulers of the USA after the US empire collapses, for generations to come. The surveillance systems are already in place. Police force training has also already been shifted from de-escalation and preventing violence to escalation and employing violence and brutalizing people. The psychological profile that cops are recruited from has also changed to allow mindless policing. The militarization of the police in terms of equipment and training has also already happened. Returning veterans who have been to war and know the truth, ex-cops and other dissidents of the regime are already being labeled as domestic-terrorists. The laws that make the establishment of a police state as a response to a crisis are already signed into law in the patriot act and NDAA. All that is required now is a spark of violence that is made to spread and spread (we are here) until finally somebody snaps (cops fire into crowds or crowds firing on cops), and that will give the excuse to fully activate the police state through POTUS declaring martial law. So Now Here Comes Civil War, Martial Law, and the Troops. Congress and the Senate will be suspended. The courts will be suspended. Power to rule will be fully shared between the head of DHS, head of FEMA, and POTUS/White-House. And there is no limit to how long the president can keep democracy suspended like this with FEMA, DHS, and White House being in charge of the country, instead of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government as the constitution declares. What happened in Minneapolis was a spark that could ignite a civil war in America. This is going to escalate dramatically as the economy begins to collapse. We are going to see a summer of riots like it's going to be back in the 60s and even worse. When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it. And as a result, the militarized police are going to become more militarized. The uprising is the voice of the unheard. We see this explosion of violence and the rioting and the looting and everything is that we are having a real crisis of faith in some of our institutions. Because there haven't been consequences in the past for bad behavior like officer Chauvin. He had 19 violations in his career, and it doesn't appear that there was serious action taken against him, and now we end up in this situation. But what is the fair balance in a situation whereas we know of in the history of repression and of anger and justified anger! The vast majority of Americans of all colors detest rioters, want law and order, and do not hate the police. This mob behavior helps the globalists regardless of the media narrative and agenda. Now The The Washington Post is reporting that officer and George Floyd may have known each other and worked together for years. And the rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper. It’s the pieces that we don’t see moving on the board that concerns me. As long as we fight with each other, we cant fight the 1%. The reality is if you are not part of the 1%, you are a thug, regardless of color or religion. This is exactly what they wanted. They want America to destroy itself from within. Our enemies have turned the police into a weapon against the American people. We need unity, or we will wake up in a high tech prison. It's time for the US to UNITE and FORCE the Government to give the US the real hope and change We the People DESERVE! Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We started coming together against the COVID, so they bring this out to divide us again. Mass media psychological subversion. Divide and conquer. All planned perfectly! Especially when everyone is wearing a mask and can’t be identified! while you are kept in constant quarantine and under house arrest while absorbing all the fear porn that leaves you anxious and distressed; ask yourself the question, why is society breaking down? with a media made mind virus, the virus of the crown maintain the social distance stay six feet apart and lose that soul connection we feel when heart meets heart it's something you can ponder while you languish in lockdown with a virulent mind virus. The virus of the crown dive deep into the rabbit hole and swallow the red pill and apply some critical thinking to what really makes you ill atishoo atishoo we all fall down with a virus so contagious. The virus of the crown you can lead a horse to water, yet you cannot make it drink. You can show a man the truth, but you cannot make him think complicit, compliant, complacent through decades of dumbing down with the virus of the hive mind, the virus of the crown. Indeed, Cui Bono? Who Benefits? American leaders have been encouraging hate against other people and nations for a long time instead of love. Civil unrest is the price they have to pay. We need peace, and if we don't unite for it, we're going to die in war. "There is a reason so many people are looking to move out of our major cities. The reason being is that major cities have become cesspools. The reason is that we've all grown to hate each other. It would help if the political class, every side, would conduct themselves as wise rather than zealots hell-bent on destroying their perceived adversaries. All organized chaos, along with COVID, part of a bigger plan. If any of your local representatives' tweet, "The President wants to foment conflict and division," they are in on it. Leaders, ( I hesitate to use the term), your government representatives should be listening to their constituents about their local issues and communicating the action plan their office is taking. Not finger-pointing, blame game, etc. The underlying problems that created this powder keg have been simmering for over 50 years. Money in politics, corruption, imperialism, economic control, never-ending wars, the great society program, controlling, not improving education, controlling, not improving, healthcare, etc., etc. If you want to change the system, start in your own community, get involved, hold your local representatives accountable. Point the finger at the actions, or lack thereof, of these representatives. This is what happens when you lock people up for four months and throw $1,200 at them to keep quiet while raining Billions of wealthy Wall Street CEOs and Bankers. Rents can't be paid; mortgages defaulting; What's next now? The lockdown has made the nation stir crazy. The frenzy is more contagious than the virus. People are desperate to add meaning to their lives. They are desperate for a cause. The killing of some guy we don't know by a cop we don't know has lit a fuse. The police are not the band of brothers. They will stand down. We are on our own people. Look to your provisions and your security. Authorities reportedly arrested Floyd because he attempted to pay a deli with a $20 bill that was allegedly counterfeit. Only The US Treasury owns the right to pass counterfeit dollars on the private entity FED command. If everyone else does it - society breaks. Posse Comitatus: is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. So they stage the Floyd Police Brutality event( Floyd and the cope were 17-year acquaintances, Then start protesters in the streets. Add in more paid protesters, burn buildings, Gives the Government the excuse to send in The Troops. Totally what I expected from this Coronavirus Pandemic. 1) incite chaos. 2) invoke emergency. 3) martial law. 4) suspend voting. 5) profit! We are about to get screwed! Pay attention, please! This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

👉Pelosi Wants to Bailout K Street Corporate Lobbyists Despite The Ballooning National Debt !!

👉Pelosi Wants to Bailout K Street Corporate Lobbyists Despite The Ballooning National Debt !!

The US is facing a federal deficit of $4 trillion in 2020. Meanwhile, Washington may spend as much as $8 trillion in the stimulus. 4T dollars deficit this year, And with all these stimulus bills, we are already over 4T dollars, it will be a lot more. Treasury will now have to borrow an additional $3 trillion just for the remainder of 2020. Plus, 6 trillion added on the Fed balance sheet. The elephant in the room is Inflation. When it comes, It will be unlike any that we have ever witnessed before in the US. The system obviously is at the end of its shelf life. This test run must be exceeding the wildest expectations of its "engineers." Trump's economy has fallen on deficit ears. Make America Poor Again. As tens of millions of Americans lose their jobs during this pandemic, Congress is struggling to come up with another bailout. We have more than 33 million Americans that have lost their jobs in the last seven weeks. Those numbers are going to go up again in the next day or two when we get the new reports. While millions of American workers are desperate for a stimulus package of their own. 82 years and the third wealthiest member in the house Nancy Pelosi, is trying to pass a bailout for the k-street lobbyist. These lobbyists,million-dollar lobbying firms would now suddenly be able to take money out of the paycheck protection plan, which is the small business loan program that's designed to keep these mom-and-pop businesses running. But instead, Pelosi came out and said we want lobbyists to be able to raid it because they've spent a lot of money lobbying to get us to bail them out. Every dollar will go to all her wealthy, liberal bloodsucking friends. Not a dime to anyone else. Don't be a picker Nancy; a quadrillion is the new trillion. We are going to lose the dollar anyway, go BIG!!! You can bet your bottom dollar that anything Pelosi is trying to do is bad for the country. Judicial Watch is reporting that Pelosi tried to strip Voter ID laws from 35 states in the last COVID Bill. Can you imagine how screwed up she has to be pulling that up, instead of worrying about people out of work getting some support for food! If the virus doesn't get us, our degenerate Congress will. K Street refers to the area in downtown Washington, D.C., where many lobbyists, lawyers, and advocacy groups have their offices. It’s become a term to refer to the lobbying industry as a whole. K Street is widely criticized for the influence it exerts over politicians. Analysts argue that lobbyists working for, say, the pharmaceutical industry is influencing legislation in a way that benefits the industry, rather than the ordinary Americans. So Nancy Pelosi is bailing out those who pay her, so she is expecting a kickback for bailing them out. A bailout for the people who's greed caused the crash. This is a Corporate, Bankers takeover! It’s to the point that these politicians received so much money from the corporations for selling out the people that they no longer care what people think because they’re set for the rest of their lives. If this doesn't show you there's not much difference between parties; You'll never get it. They realized that the stupid voters would keep re-electing them no matter what they do. The $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief bill was just the beginning of a Washington lobbying bonanza . But lobbyists are rushing to get a piece of the action in case it evaporates with a cratering economy. They are so eager to bail out their buddies on wall st first. They are the first ones that get paid first while America is treated as second class citizens. We are used as a piggy bank for the rich. With their hand in the jar first. All we Americans are doing is keeping the rich , richer at our expense. K street shouldn’t get one single penny from the US taxpayers! They exist for the benefit of rich corporations. Nancy Pelosi must be removed from office NOW! The whole of American politics should be put in the lunatic asylum. Don’t forget; these are elected members of the house. Change 50% of the folks, and you will change the USA. Don’t blame the symptoms, blame the cause. Now they're just making fun of you Americans. And you're not on the streets because they've scared you with the new corona that has the same number of deaths like every other flu season. The numbers don't lie, unlike the politicians and media that we caught endless times lying. Imagine how they must be laughing at you, hell, even I am laughing right now at how ridiculous the theft has become. Lobbyists are hustling to influence the rules dictating how the first bundle of the stimulus money will be spent, and looking ahead to how to get their clients’ priorities into the next mammoth spending package. The Trump/Pelosi Stimulus Scam gave 6 trillion dollars to corporations and banks. Nothing for 33 million unemployed workers. No UBI. No healthcare. No re-election. Democrats and Republicans betrayed workers. Corporate Democrats work right alongside corporate Republicans. It’s idiotic to think that the corporate “Democrats” are any kind of opposition to Trump. That’s theater. They WANT four more years of Trump; they rubber-stamp all of his legislation. They are running their worst candidate, Biden, because they want Trump. Both are owned by the globalists. Wake up already!! When will the people in this country will realize that both Republicans and Democrats don't give a damn about us, and this is one huge theft! It's totally out of control. They don't even bother to hide it anymore. CHANGE will never happen by continuing to support the corrupt system that oppresses you. Both Republicans and Democrats are stealing all the wealth for the 1% as fast as they can under the guise of a Pandemic. Just look over there (China) while we passed a fake Stimulus Bill that gave all the TaxPayers Crumbs. 6 Trillion and most of it was given to the Big Corporations. I bet most Americans really believe it's China's Fault when they repeat it enough just like Iraq with WMD. They are all on board for the Fleecing Of America. When you GIVE billion to corporate welfare, and you spend trillions on Military defense and then print money with no backing. What do you think would happen. Our government is corrupt to the very top. Our system will inevitably self-destruct by its very design. All it took was a trigger to set everything in motion, and here it is. Now, we HAVE TO abandon the system that's finally failed us, in favor of one that CANNOT fail us by ITS very design. Let's embrace TRUE CHANGE for once. And NOT the 'change' that politicians promise us. Don't allow ignorance to be the fatal downfall of yourself and those YOU love. Biden or Trump? Why even bother to vote? The USA needs a radical political reform. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The U.S. is printing money faster than the spread of coronavirus. At this rate, why don't they just let us all print our own on napkins; it will be as valuable as toilet paper. The limiting factor in the Weimar was ink, and the wages of the one group that could demand payment, the actual printers. Between the Fed printing, the mindless drooling Pelosi and toilet paper hoarders. I am surprised we have not killed every tree on the planet. They're going to print until the Dollar isn't even worth printing. Politicians are morons; they can't count. They have NO concept of how big of a number a trillion is. Every working American would have about $6k to pay for each $1T spent. (On top of whatever is there) . Therefore, the first $2T will consume about 20% of an average person paycheck. Now, this stupid cow wants another trillion dollars on top of all that! Americans can NOT afford this. Period! When you give away unlimited money, it shows what it's really worth. Here's how fractional reserve banking with debt-based fiat money works. Borrow $1 Trillion, that's debt. Banks lone out $10 Trillion, because $10 of loans with $1 debt reserve; the current reserve ratio is 10:1. The money supply grows by $10 trillion. Banks get about 10% interest on the loans, forever. You can't play this backward. You can't pay off the loans because paying it back shrinks the money supply, and the bankers have collected the interest already. It's all fun and games until you go bankrupt & lose reserve currency status. This does NOT sound positive for KING dollar. We are truly living in interesting times. According to most budget “experts,” Bush and Obama buried a combined $5 trillion in the sands of Iraq. Granted, over many years, but still burning it up would’ve been more productive. All this fake money is the root of all evil. Human existence has become nothing more than a scramble to keep your head above water for the privilege to continue scrambling to keep your head above water. It's when there is no food that gets really interesting! The only Bill I want to see from Congress is a balanced budget bill that reduces Government by 70%! We are now at the stage where we need to SHUTDOWN ALL government employee salaries, pensions, and health coverage. These are clearly extraneous expenses. Government employees, aka civil SERVANTS, ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. It's time to step up to the plate as the patriots we KNOW you are and stop collecting YOUR paycheck for the good of this nation. We as a nation are under a state of emergency, so Mr. President I ask that you immediately under this emergency declaration cease and desist all payments to government employees and divert these resources to the productive citizens of these United States. Use the newly allocated monetary resources to invest in the facilitation of small businesses, the development of infrastructure, and the protection of the American way of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness protecting our Constitution and those unalienable rights. IT'S TIME. Things are becoming insane. The evil and perversion are getting worse, and governments and societies are collapsing. But yet so many people act like everything is normal. They go on with their normal daily lives like everything is fine, completely oblivious to the collapsing world around them. We can't keep going on like this, acting like everything is fine when the world is actually collapsing. Banks will reap the rewards of negative rates. Again, LEGALLY, they will reach into your account each month and withdraw funds while at the same time lending out 90% of your deposit and charge whatever RATE they like. It is legal theft on a grand scale. Enough with the Spending. To actually reduce the federal deficit, the real answer is “all of the above” cuts to spending and makes sure taxes are increased to cover actual costs. The idea that cutting taxes will somehow decrease the deficit was shown to be false when it didn’t work for President Reagan in the early ’80s. At least Reagan realized the deficit was dramatically increasing and passed a large tax increase in 1986 to at least minimize the deficit. Unfortunately, President George H. W. Bush made the foolish promise of “no new taxes” then realized that for the spending demanded of the Federal government, there was no option but to raise taxes. President Clinton sensibly kept vetoing tax cuts, and at the end of his term, the US had a budget surplus. Defense cuts. Entitlement cuts. Subsidies to energy and public land users. Reduction of federal agency workforce. When the economy is doing well, the budget deficit should be paid off so that in a downturn, there can be deficit spending to prevent a depression. Want a 21% cut in Federal spending? Eliminate interest on the debt by paying off the debt. Want to keep Federal spending down? When the economy is doing well, any increase in Federal spending must be paid for with tax increases. Want to go to war,no paying for it with existing revenues. Taxes go up to pay for it. This will make voters realize what the real cost of spending is. Want a rail system in your city? You pay for it, preferably out of the user fees. That is a way to get responsible spending of tax revenue. Otherwise, the continued deficit spending will result in even more tax dollars are simply going to pay interest. If the federal government now 'covers' the debt of the states that have spent irresponsibility, it will only encourage more of the same. Bankruptcy is the only sensible recourse for those states with all sides taking an equal hit, so it never happens again. That includes the banks, the Unions, and the bondholders. This so-called flu virus was there excuse to do Q E. to save there ass's..!!! It's the same ole song and dance again. Yup, everything is going according to the pandemic, I wonder if the sheeple will ever realize they lost their jobs, homes, and businesses for absolutely nothing. America faces an unparalleled economic catastrophe. What retail sales cratering tell us is two things. First, people stay home, in times like these, even if they can go out and shop. Second, they consume less because their optimism is gone. As the economy adapts to a permanently lower level of spending, a wave of businesses will have to shutters its doors, meaning today’s job losses become permanent, and that is how a whole economy grows poorer. A new pool of people will then have to compete for what jobs there are on offer. That will erode the bargaining power of workers, so incomes will fall further. And what jobs are on offer are dead-end, go-nowhere jobs mostly, anyways: "low wage service jobs," which is the modern American pundit’s way of saying: "you’re a servant all over again, just like your grandparents maybe were." Poof! There go whole centuries of progress. No, I’m not kidding. An economy of people driving Ubers and delivering Instacarts and selling pallets on Amazon isn’t one of the people reaching their potential. It’s not one of the great discoveries and breakthroughs and creativity and imagination, and freedom. It’s just one of soul-crushing menial labor. That is what it means for an economy to grow poorer. The human potential goes up in smoke, and history rewinds. Instead of that chance to become that great artist, novelist, scientist, entrepreneur, yes, you wind up a glorified servant. You could have been something, but now you drive an Uber by day and sell stuff on Amazon by night, just to put food on the table. As a result, society itself grows impoverished in the truest way of all the things you might have created. Maybe you would have discovered that cure, or written that chronicle of the pandemic, or made that documentary, or employed a few hundred people. Now? You’re just another servant, in an economy of them. This is what most economies through history have always been, sadly, and that is why progress means the freedom not to live in the servitude that comes from poverty. Depressions do more harm than we fully know. Americans haven’t suffered one in recent history, but they’re about to. And they’re about to learn, the hard way. Depressions are things for which we have no good words. The opposite of seeds: things which undo harvests and unmake gardens. They are like viruses of the human spirit. They take us backward in time, as they plunge us downwards into the abyss. Headlong enough that way, and you find yourself in a dark age. But that perhaps, is just where foolish, brutal, indecent men like Donald J Trump have always been living and want the rest of us to, too. Rest in Peace, American Economy. ZOMBIE BAILOUT NATION! Got gold? Real, physical gold? I feel that soon the public, the media and "investors" will not only learn why gold is essential but will also find out what today's "money" is good for This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!